Student Support
As a ministry of Laramie Valley Chapel, The WEST Institute recognizes and deeply appreciates your intention to join our church in investing in the lives of students. More than a decade’s worth of student testimonies attest to the worth of your sacrificial support making it possible for students to learn God’s Word and see it applied to their lives — thank you.
There are two ways that our church provides administrative help in receiving and disbursing support: the Stewardship Program, and Student Support.
Stewardship program
Several years ago members of Laramie Valley Chapel created this program to help students in need. It has been a joy to watch as students receive help from individuals they have never met. Furthermore, many who have received support while going through The WEST Institute are now giving back in an effort to help those who are current students.
Funds donated to the Stewardship General Fund are tax-deductible and distributed based on student applications and assessment of need as determined by the elders of Laramie Valley Chapel.
Students have the option of applying for aid through the Stewardship Program in October of their program year, with the pledged support supplied through the remaining 10 months of the year-long experience.
Student Support
Family and friends of current students often want to see those in our program succeed and desire to help them along the way. Our student support program has been created for this purpose.
Funds donated to the Student Support program are likewise allocated according to the discretion of the elders of Laramie Valley Chapel; however, donors may request funds be used to aid the year-long experience of a student in particular; funds given in this capacity are not tax-deductible.
Funds are not guaranteed to nor attached to individuals, and therefore cannot be returned or accessed if any student were to withdraw or be removed from the program.

Giving Stipulations
Because in-kind donations are NOT tax-exempt donations, donations to funds designating certain students through our giving platform Breeze will not receive giving statements at the end of the year.
Acknowledging these stipulations, if you would like to donate to this program with an understanding of these stipulations, please follow the steps below:
- Click Donate Now
- Select a certain student’s name if desired (by default, the “Stewardship General Fund” is selected)
Note: Under this function, the named “funds” are used as line-item comments referred to during the allocation of said funds. The elders of LVC will disburse funds according to their own discretion while making every effort to fulfill donor requests as is acceptable for non-tax-exempt donations.
- Enter the amount of your donation
- By default, “Give this One Time” is selected. If you desire to give regularly, choose your desired frequency (weekly, every two weeks, monthly, and yearly are the other available choices)
- Select your payment option and enter your payment information
Note: Some auto-fill settings in certain browsers are unreadable by our giving software and donations will display as “Anonymous” on rare occasions. We recommend typing in your information manually if you do not want to make anonymous donations.
- Leave any desired Comments
- If desired, each donation can include the processing fee (this is an optional function)
Note: Funds are NOT attached to individuals but are under the full discretion and control of the elders of LVC; therefore, any funds given will not be returned in the case a student withdraws or is removed from the program.